An old school friend of mine attempted to organise a school reunion last weekend. It didn't quite come off. Only five people turned up!! I don't think she gave people enough warning and so many just couldn't make it. It was, however, a wonderful evening. It gave me the chance to go back to my home town in Somerset and not only catch up with a few old school friends, but also my old mates from 'home'.
On my first day of high school I met H. We became firm friends immediately and stayed that way all the way through school. After school she moved to London and we lost touch for a while but after making contact again we now keep in touch, although we don't see nearly enough of eachother. We also formed a little group with two lads, S and J. We were all pretty close.
H and S made the Gathering, but unfortunately none of us know where J is. What a shame, it was so good to get 3 quarters of the group together and catch up on old times, but it would have been something else if it had been complete.
Anyway, next year is our 20 year anniversary of leaving high school. I can't quite believe it, I mean, I think I'm only 20 anyway!! And thanks to the wonder that is Facebook, I am making contact with more and more of my old school friends, and the plan is to organise a massive reunion Gathering for that.
Here's the old Gang
Don't we look snazzy in our matching dark Glasses!
To see more ABC Wednesday G posts visit here.
GGGlad you had a gggood time at the GGGGathering, even if the turnout was small. The GGGang looks like they're gggglad to ggget togggether. :)
Facebook is pretty cool for catching up with old friends. The trio looks like you're having fun. And none of you look old enough to be 20 years out of high school!
One of my old school friends is planning a reunion for our little group of good friends this summer. We met up once before and it was great fun.
It is hard finding everyone and choosing a date when all can come, though. Good luck with finding J!
Oh, and on behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday! :)
Lovely those gatherings! After such a long time it must be great to see each other again! Great G word. Yes Greece is also great! Hopefully you can go with your husband to Cyprus!
Enjoyed reading about your Gathering and the Good old times. You all don't look a day older than 20 ;-)
Good times for sure. This week I went with geese. The first pair just returned. I invite you to come see. - Margy
I don't think I'd be brave enough for a re-union....they might tell me how old and fat I look!
i went to my 20th reunion and it wasa so much fun. I wasn't the oldest looking or the youngest looking, so I felt pretty good! The ones who still looked young were snubbed by everyone else, OK, not really.
The sunglasses do look snazzy
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